A delayed reading of a magazine made me ponder several analogies to physical relationships. This one is the first that went through the mind: who covers much,
little press (literally, a proverb in Spain), in relationship to classical mechanics through to the gases' law.It is a simple step. Remember: what the saying means is that anyone who tries to do many activities (or time), do not deepens in any. I leave the brackets part of the time because I believe that I can get
more without specify, and in addition, will be a factor to
consider.Well, take the gases' law p · V = cte. What it tells us is that for the same amount of gas, without changing
the condition of temperature, an increase in pressure is obtained from a
decrease in volume.Moreover,
the idea is to cover something related to the idea of something that
volume, and the idea of press, related to force or pressure. Thus, it is not necessary or change the symbols to use in relation to human behavior ...
_ Quickly translation of http://fqribadeo.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/quen-moito-abrangue-pouco-apreta-i.html _
En plena protesta pola corta de árbores, "para que se formulen as
alegacións que se consideren pertinentes"
Iso -"para que se formulen as alegacións que se consideren
pertinentes"- é o que pon o documento que adxunto (o destaque no parágrafo
é meu). Corresp...
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